Inspired by Nicole Apostola's "Wormtown Fleet" idea, I've decided to start this blog. I'm going to try to post a daily (or near daily) picture from somewhere in the city or metro area. Most will be simple iPhone shots, but as the original inspiration for this idea, Jeff Barnard, so eloquently put it, "Pictures don't have to be anything more than a window to the world for our area, as far as I'm concerned. They don't have to be flashy, artistically fantastic, or even the kind of pictures that photographers would want to keep. All they have to do is show a piece of your world to the virtual world."
There are so many great little "pieces of the world" in Worcester. Many of them will be common to anyone who knows the area, but we all have a unique perspective on this city and its inhabitants. It's my aim to give you a look at mine.
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