Part of the Wormtown Fleet Project

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

29 Minute Taxes- And A Blimp

Well, it certainly was an interesting commute home today!

In the very short time I've been doing this, I've already started to notice things that I might not have otherwise. For example, this sign, which I have driven past hundreds of times without actually reading...

(Click to enlarge)

Is it just me, or does the concept of having your taxes done in 29 minutes or less seem a It's not a pizza, after all. If it takes 31 minutes or 42 minutes or an hour and a half, it's really going to be fine as long as it's done properly. Take your time, tax guy. Seriously.


I thought I might be done shooting for the day, but it turns out I was not, because right now the MetLife blimp is blimping its merry way around Main South.

I first saw it when I was on Stafford St., by the CVS...

(Click to enlarge)

My iPhone doesn't do a great job with long distances, so when I saw it pop out again I pulled over at the Hess in Webster Square...

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Then I tried a digital zoom shot, but unfortunately the iPhone isn't great at that either...
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Finally, I caught a close look at it on Main St. near the Tedeschi...

(Click to enlarge)


I'm guessing that this was somehow related to the Worcester Tornadoes "Bark in the Park" promotion at Fitton Field tonight, since that's the area it seems to be hovering over. A quick look at the Tornadoes website confirms this...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Calvin Coolidge Billboard- Webster Square

One of only two billboards I've found in the city that is not owned by Clear Channel. It has displayed this Calvin Coolidge quote for months, about a month ago the right-most board fell down. It reads: "No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave."

This is in Webster Square, heading north on Main St., just before Arena Plaza.

Welcome to "Seen in Worcester"

Inspired by Nicole Apostola's "Wormtown Fleet" idea, I've decided to start this blog. I'm going to try to post a daily (or near daily) picture from somewhere in the city or metro area. Most will be simple iPhone shots, but as the original inspiration for this idea, Jeff Barnard, so eloquently put it, "Pictures don't have to be anything more than a window to the world for our area, as far as I'm concerned. They don't have to be flashy, artistically fantastic, or even the kind of pictures that photographers would want to keep. All they have to do is show a piece of your world to the virtual world."

There are so many great little "pieces of the world" in Worcester. Many of them will be common to anyone who knows the area, but we all have a unique perspective on this city and its inhabitants. It's my aim to give you a look at mine.